Wednesday, November 10, 2010

God Gave Us Everything, Even The Ability To Be Bad!

Dear Avid Bloggers, 
I believe in an all knowing, all powerful, and all good God. I also believe that this God created man. He created man because he chose to do so. He made the decision to create man, and then decided what kind of world man should live in. God was able to create man and man’s world because he has his own free will. When he created man he gave them the ability to think for themselves and make decisions, he gave them free will.

Since the creation of man was purely a decision made by God, he was able to create the world as he saw fit. Once man was created, God decided that he was not going to intervene with them. Not to say he couldn’t intervene, just that he chooses not to do so. Should he see the world needs him to intervene; he DOES have the ability to do so. But since he is deciding not to and letting the world play its course, it allows for the existence of good, and the existence of evil.

I believe that since Man has the ability to make decisions for themselves, some may choose a life devoted to God. They pray, and thank him every day in hopes to get closer to God and so that they can be rewarded in the afterlife. If a man is righteous during his life, God may choose to allow them to live in heaven. Not all men choose to live that life devoted to God though; some may choose to live a life of evil. God will not stop them from living that life on Earth, but he may choose to punish him in the afterlife.

I know through reason that God has free will. He created Man, he gave Man free will, and with that free will comes decisions, with those decisions the existence of good and evil are possible. Since God does not intervene, evil’s existence cannot be stopped or punished until after people pass on to the afterlife where God can choose what to do with each individual person. So, even if God is all knowing, all powerful, and all good, evil can exist through the free will of man that he grants them to have. 

 -The Blessed Duns Scotus

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